
Exterior Detail $45
What's Included?
- Hands wash
- Wheels & wells
- Door jams
- Drip free dry
- Ceramic coat
- Tire shine

Full Detail !10-115*
What's Included?
- Interior wipe
- Thorough vacuuming
- Cracks & crevices
- Windows
- Hands wash
- Wheels & wells
- Door jams
- Drip free dry
- Ceramic coat
- Tire shine
*Sedans $100, trucks & SUV's $115
Senior Citizens 10% off!

Subscription $60/mo
4x Exterior per week
4x full detail/ maintenance wash per week

Maintenance wash $60
For previous client that have received a full detail in the past 2 weeks that needs a touch up.
What's included?
- Hand wash
- Wheels
- Wipe door jams
- Drip free dry
- Tire shine
- Interior wipe
- Vacuuming
- Windows
*Excessive dirt, debris, pet hair will count as a full detail
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